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Porn Is Fake

Porn Is Fake

There’s a reason why you shouldn’t look at porn until you are 18, and even when you are old enough, porn can cause emotional trauma and affect you in many ways that you don’t even yet know.  Some guys only realise how much damage porn has done to their state of mind and their outlook on life many years later.

Even though it is illegal to show porn to someone younger than 18, it still happens because of smartphones and other technology. Many people find porn disturbing and experience the haunting images they have seen in their mind’s eye for a long time afterwards.

If you are going to watch porn, bear in mind that it isn’t how real people have sex.  It is fiction, and people don’t really look like that and behave like that.  When you watch an action or a horror movie, you know that it’s not real and that it’s just pretend.  Porn works the same way.  They find people with extremely good bodies who can perform extraordinary sexual acts, and then they edit it and add effects to make it seem even more amazing.  Behind the scenes, it’s not that amazing at all.

The problem is that a lot of sexually inexperienced people see porn and think that this is what is expected of them, and this can lead to a lot of anxiety, shame and unrealistic expectations. Real sex is like most things in life, rarely perfect and unique for every person.  Don’t let a porn movie define who you are sexually, that’s your job because you do it best.